Navigate Incident Management Like a Pro: MyFitnessPal's Sr. Director of Engineering Shares Insider Strategies with Lee Atchison
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Engineering Exec AMA: Dustin Pearce, VP of Infrastructure at Instacart

Engineering Exec AMA

In this Engineering Executive AMA, Blameless CEO Ashar Rizqi interviews Dustin Pearce. Dustin is an experienced leader in scaling hyper-growth, cloud-native companies, as the VP of Infrastructure at Instacart and having previously served as Head of Service Engineering at Slack.

You’ll learn about:

  • What ideal service ownership looks like
  • How to cultivate a culture of instrumentation and observability
  • What leaders should do to make sure their teams are effective, and more

The AMA consists of a 40 minute 'Fireside Chat' between Ashar and Dustin, and then open Q&A.

Engineering Exec AMA: Dustin Pearce, VP of Infrastructure at Instacart